Category Archives: non-profit

Are You the Bear or the Salmon?

I just came back from a trip to the east coast for an evaluation conference. On the plane, there were a variety of videos played before and after the main movie.  One of them was a nature film about salmon swimming upstream to spawn and the challenges they face.  I was particularly interested in the bears.

The salmon were swimming upstream, struggling to make progress against the strong current, following an instinctual ritual that had been followed by millions of other salmon before. They kept swimming, regardless of what happened to the other fish in front of them – some made it, some were eaten. They continued to leap out of the water, persisting upstream through the rocky river, in spite of the danger of being snatched out of the air into a bear’s mouth.

 Some even adjusted their fishing strategy and started stepping on salmon to trap them before going after them with their strong jaws.

Lots of salmon died.  All the bears were fed.

The salmon just kept doing the same thing that millions had done before them.  No change in approach or tactic regardless of the risk.  Some made it, but the cost was high for those who didn’t. The bears assessed the situation, applied a strategy, and modified the approach if it didn’t work.

As a non-profit or school administrator, which are you – a bear or a salmon?

Published by Creative Resources & Research

Are You a Giver?

Many local non-profit organizations are really hurting right now. Many private foundation sources are giving less than usual, and some have even stopped giving at all for awhile as they regroup after the drastic downturn of the stock market took its toll on their resources. Federal stimulus funds are not really helping non-profits directly (there are a few exceptions to this, but very few), and individual donors have also been giving less than in the past.

I don’t know anyone who is really flush right now – everyone seems to be feeling the economic pinch. Individuals often think that because they can’t give much at this time, that they shouldn’t give at all. They think that $20 won’t really help, or that if they give a little they will be pressured to give more. This is just not the case.

As more people lose their jobs and social service agencies cut back on the services they offer, the only things standing between many of your neighbors and hunger, desperation, and homelessness is the cadre pf non-profit organizations in your community. They need your help now more than ever.

And every dollar matters.

So, take a moment to reflect on all that you have and how grateful you are for the roof over your head, the car you’re driving, and/or the food that will be served at your table tonight. Then write a check to a non-profit in your community. Any amount is fine. What matters is that you care enough to stop and do it.

Are You a Giver?

Many local non-profit organizations are really hurting right now. Many private foundation sources are giving less than usual, and some have even stopped giving at all for awhile as they regroup after the drastic downturn of the stock market took its toll on their resources. Federal stimulus funds are not really helping non-profits directly (there are a few exceptions to this, but very few), and individual donors have also been giving less than in the past.

I don’t know anyone who is really flush right now – everyone seems to be feeling the economic pinch. Individuals often think that because they can’t give much at this time, that they shouldn’t give at all. They think that $20 won’t really help, or that if they give a little they will be pressured to give more. This is just not the case.

As more people lose their jobs and social service agencies cut back on the services they offer, the only things standing between many of your neighbors and hunger, desperation, and homelessness is the cadre pf non-profit organizations in your community. They need your help now more than ever.

And every dollar matters.

So, take a moment to reflect on all that you have and how grateful you are for the roof over your head, the car you’re driving, and/or the food that will be served at your table tonight. Then write a check to a non-profit in your community. Any amount is fine. What matters is that you care enough to stop and do it.

Published by Creative Resources & Research